Our culture

At SSE our culture is based around our core values - the SSE SET and Doing the Right Thing, with safety being our number one value.

Our culture underpins the delivery of our vision, purpose and strategy, guiding our decision-making and interactions with stakeholders.

Our values

SSE is a company that is committed to doing business in the right way. Our core values are the SSE SET – Safety, Service, Efficiency, Sustainability, Excellence and Teamwork.

We live and are guided by our values every day as we go about our business.


Our number one value is safety

Whether we're fixing power lines, helping customers, or inventing the energy technologies of tomorrow, we work as a team, look out for one other, and keep each other safe.

There's a real sense of togetherness at SSE.

Doing the right thing

We all want to work for a fair and ethical company and SSE is committed to doing business in the right way, ethically.

While we know we must follow the legislative and regulatory rules set for us, at SSE, we consistently seek to go beyond these and set standards for the company that promote better outcomes for employees, shareholders and society as a whole.

Examples include our commitments to the Fair Tax Mark, being a Real Living Wage, Hours and Pensions employer, meeting science-based carbon targets and empowering people to speak up against wrongdoing in our Whistleblowing Policy.

Find out more in our Doing the right thing guide.

Preventing bribery and corruption

Corruption and criminality, including bribery, fraud and other financial crime, are unacceptable in all circumstances. We take proactive steps to mitigate this risk occurring in our direct or supply chain operations. This includes a robust approach to governance, mandatory training and an established policy framework. Find out more in our Group Corruption and Financial Crime Prevention Policy.

Speaking up

Empowering people to speak up against wrongdoing is a central element of our approach to good business ethics and doing the right thing. Employees can raise concerns with their line manager or nominated internal Speak Up contacts throughout the business or this can be done through an independent whistleblowing channel, hosted by called SafeCall, with the option to report anonymously.

A breakdown of the topics reported, the topics they cover and the outcomes of investigations can be found in our latest Annual Report.

Doing the Right Thing is about going beyond just meeting regulatory requirements. Our guide to ethical business conduct applies to all employees as well as those that work on our behalf.

Powered by our differences

Inclusion is at the heart of our Teamwork value, so we don’t pay lip service to our inclusion and diversity strategy.

We put the principles of equality, fairness, diversity, and inclusion at the heart of everything we do. Because we believe everyone has a part to play in the journey to net zero.

Our inclusion and diversity strategy



Setting measurable goals, ambitions and KPIs, and using external benchmarking.


Education and development

Focusing on behaviours and building leadership confidence, raising awareness for all to create an inclusive workplace.


Inclusive processes

Embedding best practices and ensuring policies and processes are inclusive to support everyone.


Employee voice

Actively listening and understanding what matters to employees to inform and shape the improvements needed.

Powered by people who care

Life at SSE

Leading by example

Leadership and Governance

Providing more than just a job

Employee benefits