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SSE and the British Energy Challenge

09 Sep 2013

The Department of Energy and Climate Change is today hosting a ‘British Energy Challenge” exhibition at Manchester Town Hall, where some of SSE’s smart services team will be showing off an SSE-branded electric car and talking about things you can do to save energy at home.

Today’s exhibition is made up of three zones:

  • The Challenge Zone – looking at transforming the way we make and use energy;
  • Economic Opportunity Zone – for jobs and growth in the industry; and
  • The ‘Energy and You’ Zone – for getting help with your bill.

James McAuley and David Pollock, from SSE’s smart services team, are at the event, having driven from Glasgow to Manchester yesterday, using one of our Hydro-branded electric cars.

Setting off at 6am the journey took slightly longer than they’d hoped, but it was well-planned and included stops at Douglas, Carlisle, and Morecombe.